ideas for bee-friendly plants, trees and shrubs for your garden.
Whether we use our green space for pleasure or as a vegetable plot, we can all
enjoy the rewards of planting for bees. Whether your garden be a balcony,
allotment, window box, hanging basket, pots and tubs or a swathe of green open
space we can all provide honey bees and other insect pollinators with a banquet
of pollen and nectar throughout the year. Not only will they benefit from the
sensual feast plants provide, so will we. We will also enjoy the variety of
honey and foods from those plants. By planting the right type of plants and
trees, we provide a larder for honey bees and other pollinators, habitats for
wildlife and, in addition, pollination by bees provides food for us and other
wildlife from birds to insects. So, by planting for bees, everyone is a winner.
Within the downloadable listings, we have detailed both popular and some more
unusual food sources for bees, which will provide you with pleasure throughout
the year. Whether you are gardening on a small or large scale, we hope to have
listed something for everyone.
Where possible, plants are identified by type, season and whether the plant
flowers are rich in nectar and/or pollen, both of which are important to the
colony’s development.